The GENQUEST project aims to use challenge based learning to empower young people to develop essential soft skills for employment. The OECD (2019) have outlined a framework for soft skills, called “the Big 5 Domains”, looking at the 5 areas of soft skills: Task Performance (achievement motivation, responsibility, self- control, persistence), Emotional Regulation (stress resistance, optimism, emotional control), Collaboration (empathy, trust, cooperation), Open-Mindedness (curiosity, tolerance, creativity), and Engaging With Others (sociability, assertiveness, energy). Gen-Quest will explore each of these 5 areas and will design a suite of active learning resources that will support Gen Z learners, and the youth workers who engage with them, to develop their skills under these 5 themes. The GENQUEST consortium will address these competences using a WebQuest methodology.
The GENQUEST project aims to use challenge based learning to empower young people to develop essential soft skills for employment. The OECD (2019) have outlined a framework for soft skills, called “the Big 5 Domains”, looking at the 5 areas of soft skills: Task Performance (achievement motivation, responsibility, self- control, persistence), Emotional Regulation (stress resistance, optimism, emotional control), Collaboration (empathy, trust, cooperation), Open-Mindedness (curiosity, tolerance, creativity), and Engaging With Others (sociability, assertiveness, energy). Gen-Quest will explore each of these 5 areas and will design a suite of active learning resources that will support Gen Z learners, and the youth workers who engage with them, to develop their skills under these 5 themes. The GENQUEST consortium will address these competences using a WebQuest methodology.
The tools and resources that the GENQUEST project will develop will be intended for all potential learners interested in building transversal skills in an interesting, engaging and innovative training and learning environment.
The WebQuest challenges that comprise this innovative learning resource will address “the Big 5 Domains”, that were identified in the OECD report (2019) and will specifically support Gen Z learners to develop their soft skills under the following 5 themes: (1) Task Performance (achievement motivation, responsibility, self-control, persistence); (2) Emotional Regulation (stress resistance, optimism, emotional control); (3) Collaboration (empathy, trust, cooperation); (4) Open-Mindedness (curiosity, tolerance, creativity); (5) Engaging With Others (sociability, assertiveness, energy). Embedded in the resources will be strategies and actions aimed at developing key transversal skills like: – digital competence – learning to learn – critical thinking and problem solving – negotiation and team-work It is important to understand that these are challenge based exercises and the challenges can be themed to address specific topics or subjects that have specific local resonance. Each partner in the consortium will develop the learning content for 10 WebQuest Challenges – one at introductory level with a minimum of 4 steps in the process and one at advanced level with a minimum of 6 steps in the process for each of the 5 topics listed above. A compendium of resources will be developed comprising 50 WebQuest challenges.
Partners will develop a bespoke in-service training programme to ensure that front-line youth workers are fully trained to harness the potential of the GENQUEST WebQuest resources for building key soft skills for employment and to plan and create their own WebQuests for application in their youth work practices. Once the learning outcomes for the WebQuest resources and the learning content for the prototypes have been reviewed and agreed ACUMEN will define the key learning outcomes of the in-service training for youth workers and the skills, knowledge and competences to be developed. ACUMEN, with support from JAW, BACKSLASH and AKLUB, will produce the Learner Manual containing all the required learning content.
The WebQuest challenges that comprise this innovative learning resource will address “the Big 5 Domains”, that were identified in the OECD report (2019) and will specifically support Gen Z learners to develop their soft skills under the following 5 themes: (1) Task Performance (achievement motivation, responsibility, self-control, persistence); (2) Emotional Regulation (stress resistance, optimism, emotional control); (3) 奥洲5开奖记录|168飞艇全国统一开体彩结果app; (4) Open-Mindedness (curiosity, tolerance, creativity); (5) Engaging With Others (sociability, assertiveness, energy). Embedded in the resources will be strategies and actions aimed at developing key transversal skills like: – digital competence – learning to learn – critical thinking and problem solving – negotiation and team-work It is important to understand that these are challenge based exercises and the challenges can be themed to address specific topics or subjects that have specific local resonance. Each partner in the consortium will develop the learning content for 10 WebQuest Challenges – one at introductory level with a minimum of 4 steps in the process and one at advanced level with a minimum of 6 steps in the process for each of the 5 topics listed above. A compendium of resources will be developed comprising 50 WebQuest challenges.
Partners will develop a bespoke in-service training programme to ensure that front-line youth workers are fully trained to harness the potential of the GENQUEST WebQuest resources for building key soft skills for employment and to plan and create their own WebQuests for application in their youth work practices. Once the learning outcomes for the WebQuest resources and the learning content for the prototypes have been reviewed and agreed ACUMEN will define the key learning outcomes of the in-service training for youth workers and the skills, knowledge and competences to be developed. ACUMEN, with support from JAW, BACKSLASH and AKLUB, will produce the Learner Manual containing all the required learning content.
The tools and resources that the GENQUEST project will develop will be intended for all potential learners interested in building transversal skills in an interesting, engaging and innovative training and learning environment.
The GENQUEST Project consists of 5 partners from 5 EU countries – Poland, Ireland, Austria, Czech Republic and Spain.
BACKSLASH is a non-governmental youth organization established in 2014 in Valencia, Spain, which aims at empowering youth and the promotion of social inclusion through assisting young people in acquiring knowledge and developing their skills and competencies. The mission of BACKSLASH is to foster and support the sustainable development of local communities and individuals’ empowerment through education and training, human rights, democratic values, and international cooperation.
Future In Perspective Limited (FIP) is a private company working in the field of youth development, e-learning, digital media and social inclusion. The company specialises in the development of innovative educational materials and courseware specifically targeted at non-mainstream educational providers. Through our work with local youth centres, we train our network of youth workers to engage with new and innovative educational approaches, including using challenge- based learning in a youth work setting, and integrating digital and social media into their youth work practices.
Acumen Training is a private company specializing in training and consulting. The aim of Acumen Training is to support managing on the labour market and setting up own business. The company offers training and consulting, develops audiovisual learning materials, carries out research, designs and produces learning content.
AKLUB Centre of education and counseling – is educational and non for profit organization. Organization AKLUB was established in 1997 in the Czech Republic, in town Krnov. Organization is respected and highly appreciated in the Czech Republic for educational services and for developing educational and integration programs and products. Our team consist of professionals in education, counselors, coaches, teachers, trainers and psychologists on the one hand and project managers and administrative staff on the other hand.
Jugend am Werk Steiermark GmbH is among the leading providers of social services in the Province of Styria. Located throughout all Styrian districts and the capital city of Graz, our staff in 100 facilities seek to support people close to their homes and to assist them with relevant offers and services in difficult phases of their lives. Together with our customers, we take new approaches, activate existing resources and develop opportunities. At the same time, we focus on the individuality of the people and their environments – with all theirs needs and desires: the approach is also reflected in the work and actions of Jugend am Werk.
The GENQUEST Project consists of 5 partners from 5 EU countries – Poland, Ireland, Austria, Czech Republic and Spain.
BACKSLASH is a non-governmental youth organization established in 2014 in Valencia, Spain, which aims at empowering youth and the promotion of social inclusion through assisting young people in acquiring knowledge and developing their skills and competencies. The mission of BACKSLASH is to foster and support the sustainable development of local communities and individuals’ empowerment through education and training, human rights, democratic values, and international cooperation.
Future In Perspective Limited (FIP) is a private company working in the field of youth development, e-learning, digital media and social inclusion. The company specialises in the development of innovative educational materials and courseware specifically targeted at non-mainstream educational providers. Through our work with local youth centres, we train our network of youth workers to engage with new and innovative educational approaches, including using challenge- based learning in a youth work setting, and integrating digital and social media into their youth work practices.
Acumen Training is a private company specializing in training and consulting. The aim of Acumen Training is to support managing on the labour market and setting up own business. The company offers training and consulting, develops audiovisual learning materials, carries out research, designs and produces learning content.
AKLUB Centre of education and counseling – is educational and non for profit organization. Organization AKLUB was established in 1997 in the Czech Republic, in town Krnov. Organization is respected and highly appreciated in the Czech Republic for educational services and for developing educational and integration programs and products. Our team consist of professionals in education, counselors, coaches, teachers, trainers and psychologists on the one hand and project managers and administrative staff on the other hand.
Jugend am Werk Steiermark GmbH is among the leading providers of social services in the Province of Styria. Located throughout all Styrian districts and the capital city of Graz, our staff in 100 facilities seek to support people close to their homes and to assist them with relevant offers and services in difficult phases of their lives. Together with our customers, we take new approaches, activate existing resources and develop opportunities. At the same time, we focus on the individuality of the people and their environments – with all theirs needs and desires: the approach is also reflected in the work and actions of Jugend am Werk.
To get involved and support our project, please find, and follow us on Facebook at:
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.