The big moment. That first impression. The opening scene. A splash.
When you first open the URL for a Group Greet you are presented with our splash image.
But today we are proud to announce you can change that. Our Custom Splash Image Add-on allows you to change out the GG Splash with any image or animated gif you wish.
This could be of particular importance to our business customers who would like to showcase their logo or brand, but it is available to all. For those business customers this allows you to private-label your Group Greet. Note: the Group Greet logo will always display in the bottom right corner.
This ability adds to our ever growing ability to customize your Group Greet with Add-Ons:
- Custom Wallpaper
- Custom Soundtrack
- Build Your Own Playlist
- Custom Slideshow
And don’t forget you can always add an opening image to accompany your opening wish as well.
With these ever expanding choices you can make your Group Greet a one-in-a-million with a huge splash.